Hi, My name is Fikayo

I am studying for a DPhil in Politics at Oxford University's Department of Politics and International Relations (DPIR). My research focuses on the Political Economy of Climate Policy in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

I have a Master's in Contemporary Chinese Studies from the University of Oxford and a Master's in Global Affairs from Tsinghua University in China, where I studied as a Schwarzman Scholar.

I am the China-Africa Program Officer at the African Climate Foundation.

Before Oxford and Tsinghua, I worked as a Financial Products and Technology Growth expert in the Middle East, Europe and Africa. I worked at Bloomberg, Stears and Refinitiv (Now The London Stock Exchange Group).

I have written extensively on climate change and policy on the continent and the impact of China on climate outcomes in Africa. My work has been featured in The Diplomat, Stears, The Wilson Centre Africa Program, OxPol and other related publications.